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Dog Training isn't a regulated industry- anyone can call themselves a "Dog Trainer".

When looking to hire a Dog Trainer, it's important to ask a trainers methodologies (What methods they use to train), as well as their experience and any certifications they have. Trainers should be completely transparent with their Certifications, and inform clients of the certifying organization they are certified through.

I am a Certified Professional Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed, certified by

The Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers.


The Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers is the leading independent organization for Certification of Dog Trainers. 


Each Certificant must pass a rigorous examination based on the following content: Learning Theory (How all animals learn), Ethology, Training Equipment, Animal Husbandry and Instructional Skill. 


About the CCPDT:


They believe the public has the right to work with dog training and behavior professionals who are not only knowledgeable but whose knowledge is based on current, sound scientific principles.

They Promote universal understanding of and respect for dog training and behavior consulting as a profession by endorsing strict adherence to scientific and humane methods.

They also Encourage growth in and fluency of knowledge in the profession through high standards of examination and the requirement for continuing education.

They require all certificants, staff, and board members to agree to, sign, and abide by a Code of Ethics clearly stating the accepted principles that govern the conduct of a dog training and/or behavior professional.



A certificant of the CCPDT pledges to abide by the following:

  1. To operate as a certificant without discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, gender, disability, physical limitation, marital or familial status, sexual orientation, religion, or political beliefs.

  2. To assist clients in establishing humane, realistic, training and behavior goals in accordance with the CCPDT Humane Hierarchy Position Statement.

  3. To understand and fully comply with the CCPDT Training and Behavior Practices Policy.

  4. To use training and behavior modification methods based on accurate scientific research, emphasizing positive relationships between people and dogs and using positive reinforcement-based techniques to the maximum extent possible.

  5. To always provide for the safety of clients and animals in training programs and behavior consultations.

  6. To act with honesty and integrity toward clients, respecting their legitimate training and behavior goals and the autonomy of their choices, provided they conform to societal and legal standards of humane treatment for their pet.

  7. To refrain from public defamation of colleagues, respecting their right to establish and follow their own principles of conduct, provided those principles are ethical and humane according to the CCPDT Humane Hierarchy Position Statement.

  8. To provide truthful advertising and representations concerning certificant qualifications, experience, performance of services, pricing of services and expected results; to provide full disclosure of potential conflicts of interest to clients and other professionals.

  9. To refrain from providing guarantees regarding the specific outcome of training.

  10. To use properly authorized logos and credentials provided by the CCPDT when marketing in print or electronic media.

  11. To obtain written informed consent from any client prior to photographing, video or audio recording a dog training session.

  12. To work within the professional boundaries of the CCPDT certifications and individual expertise and refrain from providing diagnosis, advice, or recommendations in areas of veterinary medicine or family counseling unless certified to do so. This does not preclude referring the client to a veterinary or behavior consulting professional.

  13. To maintain and respect the confidentiality of all information obtained from clients in the course of business; to refrain from disclosure of information about clients or their pets to others without the client’s explicit consent, except as required by law.

  14. To be aware of and comply with applicable laws, regulations, and ethical standards governing professional practices, treatment of animals (including cases of neglect or abuse), and reporting of dog bites in the state/province/country when interacting with the public and when providing dog training or behavior consulting services.

  15. To keep accurate and complete records of clients, their animals and the training and behavior services provided; to ensure secure storage and, when appropriate, confidential disposal of such records.

  16. To continue professional development as required for maintaining the CCPDT credentials in accordance with the policies of the CCPDT.

  17. To refrain from making material misrepresentations as part of the application for certification or recertification.

  18. To maintain and respect the confidentiality and security of the contents of any and all certification examinations of the CCPDT including, but not limited to, refraining from: stealing portions of, or the entire, examination(s); removing written examination materials from a test or meeting site without authorization; reproducing and/or disseminating examination materials without authorization; using paid test takers for the purpose of reconstructing an examination; using improperly obtained test questions to prepare person(s) for the examination; cheating during an examination; impersonating an examinee or having an impersonator take an examination.

Code Of Ethics I must abide by:

American Kennel Club, Canine Good Citizen Evaluator

From the AKC site:

"Responsible Owners, Well-Mannered Dogs. The AKC's Canine Good Citizen program is recognized as the gold standard for dog behavior. In CGC, dogs who pass the 10 step CGC test can earn a certificate and/or the official AKC CGC title. Dogs with the CGC title have the suffix, "CGC" after their names.

As an AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator, I uphold all the Evaluator's duties and responsibilities. Not all dog's pass the test- some dog's need more work and that's ok. When you test with me, you can be assured that if your dog passes, it's because of all the hard work you and your dog put into training and being consistent. It's important to note that using food rewards are not allowed during the test. As a Positive Reinforcement Dog Trainer, this proves that dog's don't become dependent on food rewards in training, like some state. 

Pet Professional Guild Member


The Pet Professional Guild (PPG) was founded based on a commitment to provide educational resources to pet care providers and the public coupled with an emphasis on building collaboration among force-free pet trainers and professional pet care providers and advocates for mutually agreed guiding principles for the pet care industry.  PPG partners, members and affiliates focus on each pet’s physical, mental, environmental and nutritional well-being adhering to a holistic approach to the care and training of family pets

After joining other Dog Trainer Organizations, I'm proud to say that I now only commit to being a member to them, as their Scientific principles and values are align with mine. I frequently refer out to trainers in other states, with the Pet Professional Guild's Trainer Directory. 

Be a Tree Presenter

 Doggone Safe, an independent non-profit organization specializing in educational initiatives for the purpose of dog bite prevention, has relaunched its flagship Be A Tree program. The program teaches school-age children a simple but effective way to behave if ever they feel threatened or uncomfortable with a dog, as well as how to read dog body language so they can stay safe around both their own and unfamiliar dogs.

As a mom to a toddler, this is near and dear to my heart. I give presentations free of charge to Schools, libraries, daycares and daycamps, etc. Contact me to schedule a presentation. 

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